Full Ride Canada Scholarships For Nigerians 2024

The truth is, most Nigerian student love the sound of studying in Canada. The ability to work and earn while studying abroad even makes things sweeter.

This guy covers full ride scholarships for Nigerians to study in Canada.


Why do Nigerians love to study in Canada so much? It’s easy to see why – with its world-class universities, welcoming communities, and unbeatable quality of life, Canada has become a hotspot for international students from all over the globe.

There is even a song titled na Canada, which highlights the love Nigerians have for Canada.

Studying abroad can be expensive. Between tuition fees, living expenses, and the cost of travel, it’s no wonder that many students feel like their dreams of studying in Canada are out of reach. That’s where scholarships come in.

There are plenty of Canadian universities and organizations that are dedicated to supporting talented Nigerian students like you.

They understand the value of diverse perspectives in the classroom and are committed to helping students from all backgrounds access the education they deserve.

That’s why they offer full scholarships – that’s right, full scholarships – to help cover the costs of tuition, living expenses, and more.

These scholarships are highly competitive, but if you’ve got the grades, the passion, and the drive to succeed, they could be your ticket to an unforgettable educational experience in Canada.

But where do you start? With so many scholarships out there, it can be tough to know where to begin. That’s where a little bit of research comes in handy.

Start by making a list of the universities and programs you’re interested in, and then dig into their scholarship offerings.

Look for scholarships that are specifically targeted to international students, or even better, to Nigerian students.

Here are some of the best full scholarships available for Nigerian students in Canada for the year 2024/2025.

Lester B. Pearson International Scholarship at the University of Toronto:

  • Eligibility: Exceptional academic achievement, creativity, leadership potential, and community involvement
  • Coverage: Full tuition, incidental fees, residence support, and a stipend for living expenses
  • Deadline: Usually in November of the previous year


Mastercard Foundation Scholarship Program at various Canadian universities:

  • Eligibility: Academically talented Nigerian students with leadership potential and financial need
  • Coverage: Full tuition, accommodation, stipend, and other support services
  • Participating Universities: University of British Columbia, McGill University, University of Toronto, and others
  • Deadline: Varies depending on the university


Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships:

This prestigious scholarship provides up to $50,000 annually for three years for doctoral studies in health, natural sciences/engineering, and social sciences/humanities.

  • Eligibility: Doctoral students with exceptional academic achievement, research potential, and leadership skills
  • Coverage: $50,000 per year for three years
  • Deadline: Usually in November of the previous year


Trudeau Foundation Scholarships:

These scholarships are for doctoral students pursuing research related to social sciences and humanities. They cover tuition, living expenses, and travel costs.

Canada Graduate Scholarships – Master’s (CGS M) Program:

This program provides funding to high-caliber scholars engaged in master’s or doctoral studies in all academic disciplines.

Pierre Elliot Trudeau Foundation Scholarship:

  1. Eligibility: Doctoral students in social sciences and humanities with outstanding academic records and leadership potential
  2. Coverage: $40,000 per year for three years, plus travel and networking support
  3. Deadline: Usually in December of the previous year


Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships:

  • Eligibility: Postdoctoral researchers with exceptional research potential and leadership qualities
  • Coverage: $70,000 per year for two years
  • Deadline: Usually in September of the previous year

Carleton University Prestige Scholarships:

  • Eligibility: International students with exceptional academic achievement and extracurricular involvement
  • Coverage: Full tuition, accommodation, and a stipend for living expenses
  • Deadline: Usually in April of the same year


Dalhousie University Scholarships:

  • Eligibility: International students with outstanding academic records and leadership potential
  • Coverage: Full tuition, accommodation, and a stipend for living expenses
  • Deadline: Usually in March of the same year

Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship at various Canadian universities:

  • Eligibility: Nigerian students with strong academic records, leadership skills, and community involvement
  • Coverage: Full tuition, accommodation, and a stipend for living expenses
  • Participating Universities: Several universities across Canada
  • Deadline: Varies depending on the university


York University International Scholarships:

  • Eligibility: International students with exceptional academic achievement and financial need
  • Coverage: Full tuition, accommodation, and a stipend for living expenses
  • Deadline: Usually in February of the same year


When it comes to applying for scholarships, one of the most important things to keep in mind is the eligibility criteria, application requirements, and deadlines.


Trust me, I know from experience that each scholarship can have its own unique set of prerequisites and application procedures, so it’s crucial to do your homework and be prepared.

Take the time to carefully review all the details for each scholarship you’re interested in.

Make a list of the documents you’ll need, the essays you’ll have to write, and the deadlines you’ll need to meet. It might seem like a lot of work upfront, but trust me, it’s worth it in the end.

While full scholarships are the dream for many Nigerian students, it’s important to remember that there are other funding options out there.

Partial scholarships, grants, and bursaries offered by Canadian universities and external organizations can also make a big difference in making your study abroad experience more affordable.

Don’t be afraid to reach out to the international student offices of the universities you’re interested in.

They can be a wealth of information when it comes to scholarships and financial aid opportunities. Plus, building a relationship with the staff there can be beneficial down the road.

To be honest, securing a full scholarship to study in Canada is highly competitive but it is possible.

The key is to start your scholarship search early and give yourself plenty of time to gather all the necessary documents and craft the perfect application.

Don’t wait until the last minute to submit your applications – aim to have everything in well before the deadlines to avoid any last-minute stress.

Studying in Canada is about so much more than just hitting the books. It’s a chance to immerse yourself in a new culture, build a global network of friends and contacts, and grow as a person.

Make the most of your time abroad by getting involved in campus activities, volunteering in the community, and exploring all that Canada has to offer.

From the stunning natural beauty of the mountains and lakes to the vibrant multicultural cities, there’s so much to discover.

Applying for scholarships to study in Canada can seem daunting, but with the right preparation and mindset, Nigerian students can make their study abroad dreams a reality.

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